Planning Board Meeting, Monday October 23, 2017


App 2 - Hampshire Ventures Inc. (Owner) 00:01:54

Request for a time extension to meet conditions of approval for a lot consolidation and a nine-lot cluster residential subdivision with one open space lot off Stowell Road, Lots 41-8 & 30-16, Zoned R&A

App 3. 4NH Homes, LLC (Owner) 00:04:38

and Ayshire Partners, LLC (Owner) - Request for final approval of a lot line adjustment between two properties at 517 New Boston Road and Holbrook Hill Road, Lots 6-22-1 and 6-21-1, Zoned R&A.

App 4. Estate of Carmen Pettigrew (Owner) 00:14:59

Request for final approval of a lot line adjustment between two properties at Back River Road and 101 Smith Road, Lots 37-17-1 and 37-17-4, Zoned R&A.

App 5. Grove Court Shopping Center, LLC (Owner) 00:23:03

Request for final approval of a sign waiver to permit additional building signage for a planned Boston Interiors store at the Bedford Grove Shopping Center, 5 Colby Court, Lot 11-25, Zoned PZ.

Other Business 00:52:47

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings 00:55:10

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